Datganiad a Dderbyniais gan Thomas Cook

Dyma ateb a ges i ebost a yrrais at Thomas Cook yn datgan siomedigaeth tuag at eu polisi iaith:

Your observations on a recent press statement from Thomas Cook are appreciated, and I am genuinely sorry that you are unhappy.

Thomas Cook asks its staff to speak English when discussing work related matters to ensure that those employees who do not speak another language are included in such conversations.

Thomas Cook employs staff from many cultural backgrounds and, therefore, appreciates staff may wish to have conversations with each other in another language.

We will be discussing this further with the Commission for Racial Equality and the Welsh Language Board in order to develop our policy on other languages in the workplace. The two statutory bodies have welcomed our decision to discuss how we develop best practice in this area.

Thomas Cook value the skills and contributions of all its staff, including their language abilities and we look forward to discussing with the Commission of Racial Equality and the Welsh Language Board how we can combine that with effective management of a complex working environment.

We would wish to assure you that it was never our intention to stop our staff speaking Welsh in the workplace.

We hope the above gives you assurance that we are taking this matter seriously.

Yours Sincerely
Danielle Hartley
Thomas Cook Customer Relations

Hmmm 'dwi'm yn meddwl y byddan nhw'n cael fy musnes i ar frys!
Be' 'da chi'n feddwl?

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